Source code for linea.core

import os
from glob import glob

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic

from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.stats import SigmaClip, mad_std

from .linalg import linreg, RegressionResult

__all__ = ['CheopsLightCurve', 'JointLightCurve']

attrs = [  # These vectors are from DRP
] + [  # These vectors are from PIPE

def normalize(vector):
    Normalize a vector such that its contents range from [-0.5, 0.5]
    return (vector - vector.min()) / vector.ptp() - 0.5

[docs]class CheopsLightCurve(object): """ Data handling class for CHEOPS light curves. """ def __init__(self, record_array={}, extra_basis_vectors=None, time=None, mask=None, norm=True): """ Parameters ---------- record_array : `~numpy.recarray` Record array of column vectors and their labels (names). Often this record array comes straight from a FITS file. hk_record_array : `~numpy.recarray` Record array of column vectors and their labels from the housekeeping FITS file which often ends in "SCI_CAL_SubArray_*.fits". Often this record array comes straight from a FITS file. norm : bool Normalize the fluxes such that the median flux is unity. Default is True. """ self.recs = record_array self.extra_basis_vectors = extra_basis_vectors for key in attrs: if (hasattr(self.recs, 'columns') and key in [i.lower() for i in self.recs.names]): setattr(self, key, self.recs[key.upper()]) # Catch case for renamed roll angle key in the PIPE outputs elif (hasattr(self.recs, 'columns') and 'roll' in [i.lower() for i in self.recs.names]): setattr(self, 'roll_angle', self.recs['roll']) self.time = (Time(self.bjd_time, format='jd') if hasattr(self, 'bjd_time') else time) if hasattr(self, 'status') and hasattr(self, 'event'): self.mask = (np.isnan(self.flux) | self.status.astype(bool) | self.event.astype(bool)) if hasattr(self, 'flux') else mask else: self.mask = np.isnan(self.flux) if hasattr(self, 'flux') else mask if hasattr(self, 'flux') and norm: self.fluxerr = self.fluxerr / np.nanmedian(self.flux) self.flux = self.flux / np.nanmedian(self.flux)
[docs] @classmethod def from_fits(cls, path, extra_basis_vectors=None, norm=True): """ Load a FITS file from DACE or the DRP. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the FITS file containing the data to load. extra_basis_vectors : `~numpy.ndarray` Extra basis vectors to add to the design matrix. norm : bool Normalize the fluxes such that the median flux is unity. Default is True. """ return cls(fits.getdata(path), extra_basis_vectors=extra_basis_vectors, norm=norm)
[docs] @classmethod def from_example(cls, norm=True): """ Load example 55 Cnc e light curve (**NOTE**: this is not real data). Parameters ---------- norm : bool Normalize the fluxes such that the median flux is unity. Default is True. """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'example_55Cnce.fits') return cls.from_fits(path, norm=norm)
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the light curve. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis instance on which to build the plot kwargs : dict Further keyword arguments to pass to `~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis instance with the light curve plotted on it. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.errorbar(self.bjd_time[~self.mask], self.flux[~self.mask], self.fluxerr[~self.mask], **kwargs) return ax
[docs] def design_matrix(self, norm=True): """ Generate the design matrix. Parameters ---------- norm : bool Normalize the column vectors within the design matrix such that they have mean=zero and range=unity. Returns ------- X : `~numpy.ndarray` Design matrix (concatenated column vectors of observables) """ if norm: X = np.vstack([ normalize(np.cos(np.radians(self.roll_angle))), normalize(np.sin(np.radians(self.roll_angle))), np.ones(len(self.bjd_time)), ]).T else: X = np.vstack([ np.cos(np.radians(self.roll_angle)), np.sin(np.radians(self.roll_angle)), np.ones(len(self.bjd_time)), ]).T if self.extra_basis_vectors is not None: X = np.vstack([ X.T, self.extra_basis_vectors, ]).T return X[~self.mask]
[docs] def sigma_clip_centroid(self, sigma=3.5, plot=False): """ Sigma-clip the light curve on centroid position (update mask). Parameters ---------- sigma : float Factor of standard deviations away from the median centroid position to clip on. plot : bool Plot the accepted centroids (in black) and the centroids of the rejected fluxes (in red). """ x_mean = np.median(self.centroid_x) y_mean = np.median(self.centroid_y) x_std = mad_std(self.centroid_x) y_std = mad_std(self.centroid_y) outliers = (sigma * min([x_std, y_std]) < np.hypot(self.centroid_x - x_mean, self.centroid_y - y_mean)) if plot: plt.scatter(self.centroid_x[~outliers], self.centroid_y[~outliers], marker=',', color='k') plt.scatter(self.centroid_x[outliers], self.centroid_y[outliers], marker='.', color='r') plt.xlabel('BJD') plt.ylabel('Flux') self.mask |= outliers
[docs] def sigma_clip_flux(self, sigma_upper=4, sigma_lower=4, maxiters=None, plot=False): """ Sigma-clip the light curve on fluxes (update mask). Parameters ---------- sigma_upper : float Factor of standard deviations above the median centroid position to clip on. sigma_lower : float Factor of standard deviations below the median centroid position to clip on. maxiters : float or None Number of sigma-clipping iterations. Default is None, which repeats until there are no outliers left. plot : float Plot the accepted fluxes (in black) and the rejected fluxes (in red) """ sc = SigmaClip(sigma_upper=sigma_upper, sigma_lower=sigma_lower, stdfunc=mad_std, maxiters=maxiters) self.mask[~self.mask] |= sc(self.flux[~self.mask]).mask if plot: plt.plot(self.bjd_time[self.mask], self.flux[self.mask], 'r.') plt.plot(self.bjd_time[~self.mask], self.flux[~self.mask], 'k.') plt.xlabel('BJD') plt.ylabel('Flux')
[docs] def regress(self, design_matrix): r""" Regress the design matrix against the fluxes. Parameters ---------- design_matrix : `~numpy.ndarray` Design matrix (concatenated column vectors of observables) Returns ------- betas : `~numpy.ndarray` Least squares estimators :math:`\hat{\beta}` cov : `~numpy.ndarray` Covariance matrix for the least squares estimators :math:`\sigma_{\hat{\beta}}^2` """ b, c = linreg(design_matrix, self.flux[~self.mask], self.fluxerr[~self.mask]) return RegressionResult(design_matrix, b, c)
[docs] def plot_phase_curve(self, r, params, t_fine, transit_fine, sinusoid_fine, t0_offset=0, n_regressors=2, bins=15): """ Plot the best-fit phase curve. Parameters ---------- r : `~linea.RegressionResult` Result of the linear regression params : `~linea.Planet` Transiting exoplanet parameters t_fine : `~numpy.ndarray` Times computed on a grid finer than the original observations transit_fine : `~numpy.ndarray` Transit model computed at times ``t_fine`` sinusoid_fine : `~numpy.ndarray` Sinusoidal phase curve model computed at times ``t_fine`` t0_offset : float, optional Time offset between the mid-transit time defined by ``params`` and the true mid-transit time [days]. Default is zero. n_regressors : int, optional Number of regressors used to parameterize the phase curve. Default is two. bins : int, optional Number of bins to break the light curve into when plotting (black), default is 15. Returns ------- fig, ax : `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`, `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Figure and axis objects containing the phase curve plot. """ transit = r.X[:, 0] sinusoid = (r.X[:, 1:n_regressors+1] @ r.betas[1:n_regressors+1] / r.best_fit) phases = ((self.bjd_time[~self.mask] - params.t0 - t0_offset) % params.per) / params.per phases[phases > 0.95] -= 1 phases_fine = (((t_fine - params.t0 - t0_offset) % params.per) / params.per) phases_fine[phases_fine > 0.95] -= 1 fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(4.5, 8), sharex=True) ax[0].plot(phases, (transit + 1) * ( self.flux[~self.mask] / r.best_fit + sinusoid), '.', color='silver') bs = binned_statistic(phases, (transit + 1) * (self.flux[~self.mask] / r.best_fit + sinusoid), bins=bins, statistic='median') bincenters = 0.5 * (bs.bin_edges[1:] + bs.bin_edges[:-1]) ax[0].plot(bincenters, bs.statistic, 's', color='k') ax[0].plot(phases_fine[np.argsort(phases_fine)], (transit_fine + sinusoid_fine)[np.argsort(phases_fine)], 'r') ax[0].set(ylabel='Phase Curve') bs_resid = binned_statistic(phases, self.flux[~self.mask] / r.best_fit - 1, bins=bins, statistic='median') ax[1].plot(phases, self.flux[~self.mask] / r.best_fit - 1, '.', color='silver') ax[1].plot(bincenters, bs_resid.statistic, 's', color='k') ax[1].set(ylabel='Residuals', xlabel='Phase') ax[1].set_xticks(np.arange(-0, 1, 0.1), minor=True) for axis in ax: for sp in ['right', 'top']: axis.spines[sp].set_visible(False) ax[0].ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) return fig, ax
[docs] def phase(self, planet_params): """ Orbital phase of planet at times ``lc.bjd_time``. Parameters ---------- planet_params : `~linea.Planet` Planet parameter object. Returns ------- phases : `~numpy.ndarray` Orbital phases at times ``lc.bjd_time`` """ return (((self.bjd_time - planet_params.t0) % planet_params.per) / planet_params.per)
[docs]class JointLightCurve(object): """ Joint analysis object for multiple CHEOPS light curves. """ def __init__(self, light_curves): """ Parameters ---------- light_curves : list List of `~linea.CheopsLightCurve` objects. """ self.light_curves = light_curves self.attrs = [attr.lower() for attr in light_curves[0].recs.dtype.fields] for attr in self.attrs: if hasattr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, [getattr(lc, attr) for lc in light_curves])
[docs] @classmethod def from_example(cls, norm=True): """ Load example WASP-189 b light curves (**NOTE**: this is not real data). Parameters ---------- norm : bool Normalize the fluxes such that the median flux is unity. Default is True. """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', 'example_wasp189_*.fits') wasp189_light_curves = [CheopsLightCurve.from_fits(p, norm=norm) for p in glob(path)] return cls(wasp189_light_curves)
[docs] def concatenate(self): """ Concatenate light curves into a single ``ConcatenatedLightCurve``. Returns ------- c : `~collections.namedtuple` Named tuple containing the concatenated contents of the JointLightCurve object. """ c = CheopsLightCurve(time=Time(np.concatenate([lc.time.jd for lc in self]), format='jd'), mask=np.concatenate([lc.mask for lc in self])) for attr in self.attrs: attr_to_concat = [getattr(lc, attr) for lc in self if hasattr(lc, attr)] setattr(c, attr, np.concatenate(attr_to_concat) if len(attr_to_concat) > 0 else None) return c
def _pad_shapes(self): shapes = [] for lc in self: shapes.append(np.count_nonzero(~lc.mask)) return shapes
[docs] def combined_design_matrix(self, design_matrices=None, norm=True): """ Generate the combined design matrix, from a list of design matrices, one per visit. Parameters ---------- design_matrices : list of `~numpy.ndarray` (optional) List of design matrices, one per visit. If None is supplied, fetch the design matrices from each of the `~linea.CheopsLightCurve` objects used to initialize the `~linea.JointLightCurve`. Returns ------- X : `~numpy.ndarray` Design matrix (concatenated column vectors of observables) """ if design_matrices is None: design_matrices = [lc.design_matrix(norm=norm) for lc in self] shapes = self._pad_shapes() ndim = design_matrices[0].shape[1] Xs_padded = [] for i in range(len(design_matrices)): before = shapes[:i] after = shapes[i+1:] prepad = np.zeros((sum(before), ndim)) if len(before) > 0 else None postpad = np.zeros((sum(after), ndim)) if len(after) > 0 else None segments = [] for j in [prepad, design_matrices[i], postpad]: if j is not None: segments.append(j) Xs_padded.append(np.vstack(segments)) return np.hstack(Xs_padded)
def __iter__(self): """ When iterating over ``JointLightCurve`` objects, iterate over items in the ``self.light_curves`` list used to initialize the object. """ yield from self.light_curves def __len__(self): return len(self.light_curves) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.light_curves[item]
[docs] def regress(self, design_matrix): r""" Regress the design matrix against the fluxes. Parameters ---------- design_matrix : `~numpy.ndarray` Design matrix (concatenated column vectors of observables) Returns ------- betas : `~numpy.ndarray` Least squares estimators :math:`\hat{\beta}` cov : `~numpy.ndarray` Covariance matrix for the least squares estimators :math:`\sigma_{\hat{\beta}}^2` """ flux = np.concatenate([lc.flux for lc in self]) fluxerr = np.concatenate([lc.fluxerr for lc in self]) mask = np.concatenate([lc.mask for lc in self]) b, c = linreg(design_matrix, flux[~mask], fluxerr[~mask]) return RegressionResult(design_matrix, b, c)
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the light curve. Parameters ---------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis instance on which to build the plot kwargs : dict Further keyword arguments to pass to `~matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- ax : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` Matplotlib axis instance with the light curve plotted on it. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() for lc in self: ax.errorbar(lc.bjd_time[~lc.mask], lc.flux[~lc.mask], lc.fluxerr[~lc.mask], **kwargs) return ax