
class linea.Planet(per=None, t0=None, inc=None, rp=None, ecc=None, w=None, a=None, u=None, fp=None, t_secondary=None, limb_dark='quadratic')[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Transiting planet parameters.

This is meant to be a duck-type drop-in for the batman package’s transiting exoplanet parameters TransitParams object.

Methods Summary


Initialize a Planet instance from the target name.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_name(name)[source] [edit on github]

Initialize a Planet instance from the target name.

There’s a small (but growing?) database of planets pre-defined in the linea/data/planets.json file. If your favorite planet is missing, pull requests are welcome!

namestr (i.e.: “55 Cnc e” or “WASP-189 b”)

Name of the planet